Who am I...
Hey what’s up! My name is Dani, or DFeng (冯丹妮).
I was born in Rockville, Maryland from immigrants of south rural Hunan. I’m Han from my dad’s side and Yao from my mom’s side. I am the first in my family to have been born outside of China. My ass has pretty much been stuck around Maryland for pretty much all of my life (so… over 20 years). I have moved around within DMV-area Maryland quite a bit, particularly in Montgomery County and Prince George’s County.
I am happy to share some points of interest from my experience growing up here. Keep in mind anything here are non-exhaustive lists and it won’t have every single interesting thing in the area. These are just places from my own experience.
My big dream ever since I was like 10 is to run my own animated series one day. Of course, I will not do that unless I get millions of mister beast money with no strings attached AND until I have some actual animation industry experience. With the way the animation industry currently is, I’m probably not getting some anytime soon, unless it’s for a freelance project. I have a handful of ideas but only about three of them are very solid (The Cosmicals being the most developed out of them).
Fun fact! “DMV” is a common abbreviation for Department of Motor Vehicles. However, in Maryland, it is called the “MVA” here instead (Motor Vehicle Administration). Interesting…
I hope when people come to Maryland they think of me… and I hope they smell the faint scent of Old Bay when they arrive here. By the way University of Maryland can have full bragging rights about me being an alumni there. Half of my college experience was during COVID so I can’t really give a proper say about my experience. But whatever, they are free to milk me like they milk the fuck outta Jim Henson, as long as they put an equally horrifying Stelle-Testudo fusion statue in the Stamp Student union like they did with Kermit-Testudo one.
Just daydreaming over here...
Note: None of the businesses I list on my site are any sort of moral endorsements.
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